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Same Great Site, Much Better Games!!
Only a few more days/weeks/months until the long awaited arrival of what is to be the biggest RPG release since Shenmue!
Personally,this will be the first big RPG release in awhile for me. The last Rpg I anticipated was Shenmue, which was a couple of years ago. I'm still
excited for it not to mention FF11, which will be the game that will kick off the online RPG explosion for the PS2. Final Fantasy games always will dominate the Rpg gaming market(unless of course SEGA decides they want to put the Phantasy Star series on the XBOX)
New Releases/Ratings
Breath of Fire 3****
Breath of Fire(Game Boy Advance)***1/2
Grandia 2(PS2)****

SEGA cancels Shenmue 2
DAMN YOU SEGA!!!!! What was supposed to be the last hope for the system, is now a pile of rubble before our feet. Yes, I'm talking about Shenmue 2. The continuation of Ryo Hazuki"s quest to gain vengeance for his father's death will probably be on the PS2. Unless they cancel that too!

Want To Join The Site?E-mail me your name(not your real name!) and why you think you should be a member and i'll send u the password

Coming Soon...
Final Fantasy X!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RpGino the Mog
RpGino's Rpg newsletter comes once a month and only comes if you sign the guestbook. It consists of new releases,additions to the site, and news.

E-Mail me any RPG pics and I'll put them on my site